Meeting September 22, 2021
106 Cedar Cres.
Mike Garbowicz*, Constance Hourie, Bruce McDowell*, Carla Matt, Scot Siemens*, Randal Adams
(* denotes existing board member)
Regrets: Alison Curtis, Colin Hanoski
1. Call to Order at 6:35 pm
2. Previous Board Secretary (S.Siemens) proposed an agenda exclusively to facilitate the appointment of officers,
delegation of signing authorities, and first business meeting.
M: That the Agenda be approved approved as proposed
M/S: M. Garbowicz/B. McDowell
3. Adoption of Minutes
As the approved agenda does not facilitate standard business items, approval of the Aug 30th KRA Board Meeting
minutes will be deferred.
4. Financial Report
As the approved agenda does not facilitate standard business items, approval of the KRA Financial Statement will
be deferred.
5. KBA Officer Election
General discussion regarding the various officer positions, bylaw requirements, and organizational protocols.
M: THAT, effective September 22, 2021 the KRA Board of Directors officers will be:
President – Scott Siemens
Vice-President – Mike Garbowicz
Secretary – Carla Matt
Treasurer – Bruce McDowell
M/S: C. Matt/C. Hourie
M: THAT, effective September 22, 2021 the KRA Board of Directors authorized signing officers (with any two of three to
sign) will be:
President – Scott Siemens
Vice-President – Mike Garbowicz
Treasurer – Bruce McDowell
5. Adjournment & Next Meeting
Next meeting set for October 4, 2021 (6:30pm) @ 106 Cedar Cr.
Scott Siemens, President
Carla Matt, Secretary