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Kinookimaw Residents Assoc. Meeting
May 9, 2022


Scott Siemens, President; Mike Garbowicz, Vice-President; Bruce McDowell, Treasurer;  Carla Matt, Secretary;  Allison Curtis, Randall Adams



Regrets: Constance Hourie, Colin Hanoski and Lorne Bumphrey


Call to Order at 7:12 pm


1. Approval of the Agenda


M:  That the Agenda be approved as circulated


       M/S: B. McDowell/M. Garbowicz



2.  Adoption of Minutes


M: THAT the minutes of April 10, 2022 be approved as circulated.


     M/S: C. Matt/B. McDowell



3.   Financial Report


Treasurer B. McDowell provided an updated financial report which had no transactions since the last update and demonstrated a current reserve balance of $5309.00.


     M/S: B. McDowell/M. Garbowicz



4.  KBA Manager's Report (provided in writing due to absence from meeting)


a) Path Gates & signage – The west gate will be moved to the narrow spot on the trail with heavy brush on both sides (just before the bare hillside) to prevent motorized vehicles from getting around the gates. Work will begin in June. The signs for the trail are in progress, Wayne is gathering information for Stephanie at RBREC.


b)  West Access Walking Path - West Access walking path to be done in conjunction with gate movement in June.


c)  IMUC & First Responder update – There are no IMUC updates other than Victoria (TRB) is waiting for word on the grant proposal for an upgrade of lagoon
road. When the meeting minutes are received by Lorne he will distribute to the KRA Board; No responses from community on First Responder call. Lorne will issue another email asking for volunteers.


d)  Traffic signage (re)placement – Ongoing. Once Lorne receives approval to purchase the replacement 60 km/hr sign he will reposition the new sign. Stacy from Hidden Hills Campground & Resort (HHC&R) might help out with signs as that’s also their line of work. Lorne will work with Stacy on resolving the traffic diversion issues for the intersection of McNabb & Sunset.


e)  Road Maintenance - Ongoing – Dave & Johnny Barber might be getting a bigger grader to do a better job. More updates to follow.


f)  HHC&R Development impacts - Ongoing & positive discussions with HHC&R. Their opening is being delayed due to the wet spring. SaskPower still hasn’t brought in the power lines.


g)  Water system – usage & maintenance - Community average water use for April was 3965 gpd for total system. Of that, the golf course used an average of 365 gpd.


h)  Park Maintenance - No update provided. There are ongoing discussions within the Park Committee. The committee is considering a smaller portable gazebo to start, then gauge use to determine if larger permanent structure is needed in the future. Lorne will work with the Park Committee to put up a sign in the park which includes language around the park being for residents & guests use only.


i)  Seasonal Trailer Compound – Expansion of the area approved by Wayne. Some trees have already being taken down. When the weather is dryer, the rest of the work will be completed. Lorne will send out a request for volunteers and HHC&R is willing to support this project with their trackhoe if needed.


5. Bylaw Compliance Committee - No updates


6. Current Business arising from minutes


a)  Head/Sub Lease renewal – nothing official to report


b)  KRA Board insurance and Bylaws update – Scott Siemens consulted with Hordos Insurance Brokers on the necessity of the personal liability insurance for Director’s on this Board. Initial discussions have identified the insurance may not be necessary and the funds used could instead be used to purchase event insurance for each event held in the community. More discussions and further research required before we cancel the Director’s insurance. If the Board is going to continue as a Board, then the KRA Bylaws require updating. These updates will be provided to the residents prior to the AGM.


c)  Kinookimaw Community Bylaws – KBA have received complaints regarding current lessee provision infractions, suggesting they are sensing a fracturing of community cohesion and harmony of late. The KBA have invited the KRA Board to work together with the community to create clear and concise bylaws that residents could more easily access, appreciate, and adhere to in order to mitigate some of the social cohesion fractures they sense might be emerging. A concern was raised that assisting in the creation of bylaws or policy might actually add to community discontent. Ultimately, the Board agreed to work to create community bylaws that reflect lessee commitments and will provide a draft version to the community to be discussed and affirmed during the AGM. Once approved, the proposed bylaw options will be sent to KBA for consideration, recognizing they may choose to do something different or nothing at all.


d)  2022 AGM will be held in the Kinookimaw Park on Saturday, June 18th from 10:00am – 12:00pm.


e)  Director Elections – Mike Garbowicz is up for re-election. Carla Matt to step down from the secretary position but remain on the Board. Scott Siemens to step down from President position but remain on the Board and return to the Secretary role to complete his term commitment. We are hoping to have a minimum of 5 Directors and a maximum of 9 representing the community. If anyone would like to become part of the Board, please speak to a current Board member.



7. Adjourn & Next Meeting


Next meeting set for June 1, 2022 @ 7:00 pm at 525 Sunset. Zoom attendance option available on request.




Scott Siemens, President




Carla Matt, Secretary



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